Statin-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy

Cholesterol (statin) medication as a potential cause of Peripheral Neuropathy.

One of the known side effects of statin medications is peripheral neuropathy, commonly referred to as statin-induced peripheral neuropathy.

An article published in the Lancet way back in 2004 states that "These (reports) and others reveal that neuropathy can arise within days of starting statins, but is most often seen after long-term use... patients who received statins for 2 years or more had a 4–14-fold increase in risk compared with controls."

Peripheral neuropathy is commonly characterized by numbness, tingling, and/or burning symptoms in the arms/hands and/or feet/legs.

If you are dealing with neuropathy and have not found the potential cause, this could be something to consider.

Always discuss any concerns with your prescribing physician.…/PIIS0140-6736(04)17345…/fulltext

Link to other medications that may cause peripheral neuropathy:

Brandon Blood